
Trip Reports

Lava Heron?

Yesterday while walking Casco Viejo with a friend I spotted this “very dark” Green Heron on the rocks below Paseo Esteban Huertas at Las Bóvedas. I was looking at the picture I made with my cellphone and my binoculars (Binophonescoping) and the bird looks very similar to the pictures of Lava Heron from Galapagos Islands. […]

Trip Reports

New for Panama: Gray-bellied Hawk

On February 9th of 2012, at 7:17 AM while guiding a birding program for Sendero Panama, we spotted a raptor on top of a Cuipo tree near the road on the way to El Salto, Darien. The bird was very similar to a Bicolored Hawk but inmediatly I noticed the paler gray on the belly

Trip Reports

Eastern Panama Deep Birding Immersion

This past weekend I had a complete deep immersion into eastern Panama, that part of the country that remained pure and untouched on it’s vast majority until the mid-60’s. On Friday 24 and Saturday 25 I was invited by Raúl Arias de Para, along with Carlos Bethancourt and Ismael Hernando Quiróz (the famous Nando from

Trip Reports

Birds of Nuevo Vigía, Darién

In a recent visit to the Emberá community of Nuevo Vigía in Río Tuquesa, Darién, I got some interesting birds: Little Cuckoo, Barred Puffbird, Bare-crowned Antbird, Green-and-rufous Kingfisher, Saffron-headed Parrots, Black Oropendola and Brown-chested Martin. Here are some few photos I managed to take. Though this was not a birding trip, the place is full

Trip Reports

Snail Kite in El Valle, a report by Venicio Wilson

I always thought of Snail Kite as a bird of marshlands and lakes. However, today as we came down from Cerro Cara Iguana in El Valle de Antón, we found this juvenile resting over a little dam next to the road. I checked the bird list provided by the Canopy Lodge in 2005 and there

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