Years ago, while working for Mr. Raúl Arias de Pará, researching the Darien Lowlands to find a new place for what is now Darien Canopy Camp, I made a list of bird species that might eventually cross the border of Colombia.
Of the original list only one species had found its way to Panama: Bicolored Wren. UNTIL TODAY…
Pinnated Bittern
Northern Screamer
Scarlet Ibis
Bare-faced Ibis
Buff-necked Ibis
Pied Lapwing
Harris’s Hawk
Sooty-capped Puffbird
Russet-throated Puffbird
Yellow-chinned Spinetail
Pale-legged Hornero
Black-crested Antshrike
White-headed Marsh-tyrant
Bicoloured Wren (found by Euclides Campos in Paya)
Pale-vented Thrush
Carib Grackle
Baudo Oropendola
This morning we tried to visit Finca Bayano, where recently a Maguari Stork was found by Rolando Jordan. Unfortunately the farm is being fumigated so we could not enter.
We decided to visit the old road of Chepo, site where for several years the first Whistling Heron was reported for Panama.
I had a hunch that something new would be seen today! That something good would come out.
So it was. Natalia Decastro, Tranquilo Bay Resort official guide, saw a “blackbird with a yellow head”.

We began searching the area for better views and to confirm that this would indeed be range extention of the Yellow-hooded Blackbird. As we waited for the blackbird to show up, Dr. Jan Axel Cubilla mentioned that there were small grackles among the other grackles! When I took a look I noted that it was Carib Grackles (Quiscalus lugubris): a bird that I loved during the trip to the Caribbean island of Grenada.

They are smaller than a Great-tailed Grackle. Its tail is more open, short and wedge shaped. Females are less contrasting than Great-tailed Grackle females.

This would be the 1004 species for the bird list of Panama!
Be aware that Giant and Shinny Cowbirds are also present and may be confused by grackles.
Directions to the Carib Grackle spot: As you travel east on the Panamerican Highway from Panama City, you will come to a Police Checkpoint just before the town of Chepo. Right before this checkpoint you take the road to the left. After 2.2 kmsyou will see white and blue houses your right, Go another .6 kms (now 2.8 kms from the left you made just before the Police Checkpoint), and the flock of blackbirds and grackles was on the right side of the road feeding on marshy area marked in yellow on the map.
Many thanks to Lorena, Gerti, Rolando and Robin for a great opportunity to enjoy birds.