

¿Drilococo? No hay que temer

El famoso “Tito” observando a los visitantes que, obviamente, se han acercado demasiado. Las redes sociales han logrado algo interesante: traer a la vida pública a los cocodrilos.Pero no como estrellas ni héroes sino más bien como villanos de crímenes que no han cometido. Se he generado un morbo, odio, resentimiento contra los cocodrilos usando […]


“El que come callado come dos veces”

“El que come callado, come dos veces” dice un dicho refiriéndose a la discreción que se debe tener al hacer cambios grandes en la vida! La discreción es crucial… dicen! Pero como no soy mezquino ni discreto, les compartiré algo de lo que ha venido sucediendo recientemente en mi lucha contra la obesidad. Espero poder inspirar, aclarar


Checklist to the birds of Panama

After the recent discovery of a Russet-throated Puffbird on Torti Abajo, we share with you the current list of to the birds of Panama. It will soon be revised! Stay tuned! 


2018 purpose: be happier

2017 was one of the most difficult years in my life. Even so I finish it happy, smiling and giving thanks! It was a year of farewells, spoils, abrupt changes, unsolicited landslides and emotional losses. But since I am stubborn and stubborn, my decision was always to keep myself happy despite internal tears. And looking


Magnificent Frigatebird

Locally known as “Tijereta” (tijera=scissors) for its forked tail, the Magnificent Frigatebird is one of the most intriguing birds of our coasts and, without a doubt, the queen of avian piracy! Its habit of stealing food from other birds, a behavior know as kleptoparasitism,  or collecting it from the surface of the water makes it one of the most graceful


Cuba: transformando sueños en realidades.

Mi sueño empezó viendo un documental: “La influencia de la música africana en América”. En los 90, cuando la situación económica de mi madre mejoró, instalamos el servicio de televisión por cable en casa. Una de esas noches en las que mi mama dedicaba horas a la televisión me llamó a su cuarto a que viera este


Spark Bird: The Bird That Started It All

Spark Birds are the birds species that initially stimulates an interest in more serious bird watching or birding. In 1992 ANCON (National Association for Nature Conservation) translated the “Guide to Birds of Panama” to Spanish. My neighbor went to the presentation of the novelty book, got a copy and the book ended up in my house the


Carib Grackle on the old road to Chepo

Years ago, while working for Mr. Raúl Arias de Pará, researching the Darien Lowlands to find a new place for what is now Darien Canopy Camp, I made a list of bird species that might eventually cross the border of Colombia.Of the original list only one species had found its way to Panama: Bicolored Wren.


The Juan Hombrón Long-winged Harrier in Photos

Rafael Luck sent in his photos of the Long-winged Harrier his group (which included Venicio Wilson, Osvaldo Quintero and Jan Axel Cubilla) found in Juan Hombrón yesterday. Comparing the photos with the poor illustrations of the species in South American field guides, and having never seen the species ever, I’d say this is a young

Trip Reports

Northern Veraguas: a report by Lider Sucre and Venicio Wilson.

From June 23rd to 27th, Betsy Farah Morán, Julie Payne, Lider Sucre and Venicio Wilson visited the northern coast of Veraguas thanks to a very kind invitation by Alexander Risse who is developing an ecological resort by the small Estero Salado river, not far from Guázaro. According to some sources, the area is perhaps the

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